"Since the creation of the heavens and the earth, the eternal power and the divine nature of God are plainly known, though not to the eye, yet to the knowledge of the things that are made, that no man may put them to the test." (Rom. 1:20)
The question "Is there a God?" is a big one. If there is no God between heaven and earth, then those who believe in God are superstitious and materialistic; if there is a God between heaven and earth, then our belief in God is not superstition, let alone materialism, because we are talking about facts. The God in whom we believe is the One who created the universe. He is the one true God who is eternal, loving, just, holy, omnipotent, omniscient, and full of all things. For a more detailed understanding of this issue, please refer to other spiritual books such as "The Way to Eternal Life", "The Wonder of the Universe", and "The Wonder of Man".
What does the existence of God have to do with us? If there is no God, if there is a God, He will repay each person according to his or her deeds. Believe in Jesus and you will have eternal life, but if you don't believe in Jesus you will perish and suffer forever. Therefore, we say that believing in Jesus is an urgent life event that we cannot afford to wait for.

Chapter 1: Though the Eye Cannot See
People who do not believe in God think that no one has ever seen God. The Bible says the same thing: "Though the eye cannot see." (Rom. 1:20). (Romans 1:20) There are many things that cannot be seen by the eye, but do they not exist because they cannot be seen by the eye? If we do not see our ancestors, do we not have ancestors? We have never seen a distant planet (10 billion light-years away), is there no planet there? We can't even see our own faces, do we have any faces? You may say that you are a fool. In fact, those who say they need to see to believe are the real fools! A mirror can only reflect our face, a photograph can only reflect our face, but no one can really see their own face, at best they can only see their own nose.
A person has eyes, ears, nose, hands and feet, and each has its own use. The eyes cannot replace the nose to smell, we don't use our eyes to smell odors; and no one uses our ears to see things. Rubber is soft. If we paint a piece of rubber red with paint, we can't tell it is soft in any way. When you show it to someone, he can't tell it is a piece of rubber. We have to press it with our hands to feel it is soft, so that we can know it is a piece of rubber with paint. Our eyes are not omnipotent, we can't even see a piece of rubber, to see if there is a god, it is a big lie. You have to see everything with your eyes to believe that it is true, but if you cannot see it, it is false.
Chapter 2: But by the things that are made we shall know
Let us not forget the law of science: "Something cannot come from nothing, and life cannot come from nothing." What is the material world like? Who created it? Who created the earth, the moon, the sun, the stars, etc.? You may say, "It is natural. But this is an excuse for not believing in a creator. For example, if you don't have a radio in your house, does a radio come naturally? We say, "Absolutely not. Who created the earth? Did it come about naturally? Or was it created by man? We say that man could not create the earth, only God could create it. According to the Bible, the word "create" means to make something out of nothing. God said, "Let there be a heaven, and there was a heaven. This is creation. How can we humans create heaven and earth? We can only "transform" or "make"; to use existing materials to make things is to make; to transform the earth that God created is to transform nature. We only use what God has created to make or transform. To invent creation is to create something from nothing. There was no such theory, plan, scheme, etc., but now man has created it. If man cannot create the material world, and the material world cannot exist naturally, then how did all things in heaven and earth come to be? Again, "Something cannot come from nothing." When we look at a house, we cannot say that it came into existence naturally. If I say, "The house came naturally, all the bricks were burned by themselves, and one by one they jumped on, and the house was built that way." You would say that I am a madman. Although we cannot see the man who built the house, we cannot say that no one built it just because we cannot see it: "For every house must be built by someone, but God is the one who builds all things." (Heb. 3:4) A simple chair does not come naturally; though we do not see the maker of the chair, nor do we know the name of the maker of the chair, yet when we see the chair, we believe that there must be a maker of the chair, for the wood does not saw itself into strips and planes, nor does it nail itself together. If there is no good carpenter, the chair will not be built well, not nailed firmly, and not comfortable to sit. This is the common sense of elementary school students, that when they see the creature (the fruit), they know that there must be a creator (the cause). Unfortunately, because of Satan's confusion in our minds, many people think that everything in heaven and earth is natural. They think that there is no God in the universe.

Chapter 3: The Wonder of All Things
We said earlier that man can transform the world, but this does not mean that the world God created is not good and needs to be transformed. When God finished making the heavens and the earth, He did not just say "good", but He looked upon all that He had made "and it was very good" (Gen. 1:31). (Gen. 1:31) Unfortunately, mankind sinned and as a result, "The earth will be cursed for your sake. You shall labor all the days of your life to be fed from the earth. The earth will grow thorns and thistles for you ......." (Genesis 3:17-18) When man sins, the earth is cursed, and thorns and thistles grow, and man will labor all the days of his life to get food. If man had not sinned, none of this would have happened, and he would not have died; but today man labors and dies as a result of his sin. This means that the earth has to be transformed by human labor before it can be eaten. On the other hand, we can also see that God's creation of heaven and earth is very wonderful.
I. "All things are in motion"
We know that the moon revolves around the earth, the earth revolves around the sun, and in fact all the stars in the sky are moving, and everything on earth is moving. In the past, some people thought that the sun was not moving, which was seen from the earth, but it really has been rotating around the axis. This "movement", who told them to move? And are the laws of nature telling it to move? Newton once said, "Before it moves, there must be a first impetus, which is God pushed it, it will be in accordance with the law of 'constant motion' constantly rotating." Some people are not convinced by this statement. They said, "Newton did not understand that matter itself (inside) is moving. He thought that matter is only outside the rotation, with the help of external propulsion, so hold out an external promoter to."
Did Newton really not understand that matter itself is in motion? He really did not understand that matter is moving inside, so he put forward God as an external promoter? In fact, he could prove the existence of God with this point alone. Matter is in motion inside, and the simplest thing is that electrons are constantly rotating around the nucleus of an atom. There is only relative but not absolute stillness in the world. A piece of iron on a table looks static, but in fact it is still moving, because the atoms inside it are moving, and the electrons inside the atoms are constantly rotating around the nucleus. Who told the electrons to keep moving? Newton's "first impetus" can certainly be said to be God's call for it to move. Likewise, the movement in matter is also called by God, otherwise, they would not move. It may be said that "motion is a natural law", just as matter is natural. People generally do not admit that there is a God, so they have to come up with a "natural", what "natural" ah, "natural law" ah! We have already said that it is impossible to say that there is nature, according to the second law of thermodynamics: if everything moves by itself, it will fall into chaos. Now let's talk about who made the laws of "nature"? It is strange that there are laws without a maker! A school has rules, a country has laws. It is impossible for no one to make school rules and laws. School rules are not perfected at once; national laws are amended many times to suit the needs. The Earth is so big, but in the Milky Way galaxy is so small, not to mention the extragalactic galaxy. In a small city, cars are not allowed to run into the traffic, people must obey the traffic rules and follow the instructions, otherwise an accident will happen. There is no transcendent rule maker, do you think this is possible? How can a "natural law" come out? If Newton did not understand, is it not more ignorant to say so? The Moon revolves around the Earth, the Earth and the 9 planets (now the 10 planets) revolve around the Sun, the solar system revolves around the Pleiades, the Pleiades revolves in the Milky Way, and the extragalactic galaxies all revolve according to their own orbits. It would be incredible if the celestial bodies were to move naturally without a designer or a driver.

If someone says (artificial) Earth satellites and spacecraft are not artificial, they fly up on their own, and naturally they will revolve around the Earth and fly to other planets, won't someone call him a fool? In fact, they flew into the sky after many failures to succeed, but the man-made satellite will eventually return? Look at the moon around the earth, the earth around the sun, will not leave the orbit, what force makes them so? We know that "gravity", objects have an attractive force. Both the Earth and the Sun have gravity, but if there is only gravity, the Earth will be sucked into the Sun in a few days, and we will all be burned alive. We also know that the rotation of the object is a centrifugal force, if we take a rope tied to a coin has been rotating, the small money will not leave, but if the rope breaks, the small coin will turn more and more open, this is the "centrifugal force". If there is a single centrifugal force, this is not good, the more the earth turns, the more open. Because we are far from the sun, we will die of cold. Fortunately, the centrifugal force and the force of attraction cancel each other out, so the Earth has been in orbit for years. Needless to say that the lack of one does not work, even if both exist, and not equal, it is also in trouble. For example, if the attractive force is a little greater than the centrifugal force, the earth will slowly move closer to the sun, and we cannot live; if the centrifugal force is slightly greater than the attractive force, the earth will slowly move away from the sun, and we also cannot live. Who has calculated so accurately that they are equal? There is no God, this is inconceivable. No wonder it is said that God is the greatest mathematician. Not to mention that there is more than one sun in the sky! Is it natural that everything works according to the law?
Anyone who has studied in high school knows that there are millions of different substances in the world around us, but they are made up of just over 90 chemical elements (including 105 man-made ones, and some say 107). There are about three million naturally occurring compounds and synthetic compounds that have been discovered. Some of these compounds are composed of two elements, while others are composed of three, four or more chemical elements. There are not many pure substances (such as gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, etc.) and compounds in nature, and most things are a mixture of various compounds to form a "hodgepodge". Any substance in the world is made up of 105 elements. But natural substances are made up of 92 chemical elements. It's amazing! We see that all the colorful and varied things are mixtures of more than a hundred elements. Who is there to make them? Who created these elements for our enjoyment? A pharmacist who prepares a variety of medicines cannot do so indiscriminately, or else he will poison the patient to death. We can't just put some ice, some alcohol, some iodine, some anesthetic, mix them together, and tell the patient to drink them. The patient needs to be diagnosed first, and then the doctor prescribes the medicine, which can cure the patient. There are more than a hundred kinds of elements on the earth, and people have found recipes to prepare them, but who has prepared these things? Who has prepared these things? Who has prepared the natural things that are right for our enjoyment? Without the sovereignty of heaven and earth, will these elements naturally exist on the earth that are suitable for our needs and can be used to prepare more substances? This no one dares to say, for it is impossible.

Let's talk about astronomy! In 1766, a German mathematician Titus discovered the empirical rule of the distance between the sun and the planets: If we write down the series 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, the series is constructed in such a way that starting from the third item, each subsequent item is twice the previous one. Then we add 4 to each item of the series and we get the series 4, 7, 10, 16, 28, 52, 100, 196 and so on. On New Year's Eve 1801, the astronomers of Palermo, Italy, with a 5-meter diameter telescope, discovered a new star at 28, which was named "Ceres". Now we know that it is an asteroid in an asteroid belt of several thousand asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. This vacancy was found, and thus we see how regular the distances of the planets are! Who arranged them in this way? It turns out that all God's creatures are very good, and are arranged in an orderly way, not in a disorderly way.
Let us look at the sun. What is the sun? It is an exothermic ball of gas, 1.35 million times larger than the earth (some say 1.5 million times larger). The surface temperature is 6,000 degrees, while the temperature of the center of the sun reaches 15 million degrees, and the gas is about 200 billion atmospheric pressure. At extremely high temperatures and atmospheric pressure, atomic nucleus reactions can be carried out continuously, thus producing solar energy, a huge amount of energy from solar radiation. This reaction is a thermonuclear reaction of hydrogen to helium. The radiant power it projects to the Earth is only about 1 in 2.2 billion of the Sun's total radiant power, which is equivalent to 180 trillion kilowatts. However, the largest power plant on Earth generates only 5.8 billion kilowatts of electricity. It has been calculated that the energy emitted by the sun to the earth every hour is equal to 20,000 times the energy produced by the world using various energy sources. In other words, the energy produced by the world in more than two years is equal to the energy supplied by the sun to the earth in one hour! How much coal and oil would be needed to produce the world's energy for more than two years? If we want to give fuel to the sun, I am afraid that the world's fuel (including uranium, etc.) is not enough for the sun to burn for one hour! If there is only a little gas left in the gas bottle in our house, the gas stove will go out soon. The sun keeps burning, burning, burning, and who provides the fuel for it? Even the thermonuclear reaction of hydrogen to helium has to have a source, right? What's more, there is more than one sun in the sky. Without an all-powerful master, would the sun generate such heat energy?

We all understand that we cannot live without the sun. If there is no God, can there be a sun in the sky that is just right for our needs? The sun does not only emit heat, it also emits light, and sunlight is so important to human beings. There is an Italian proverb: "Where the sun does not shine, you need a doctor." Ultraviolet light kills bacteria, and it is good for our health if we get more sunlight. If we built a small sun and put it all over the city, I wonder how much energy it would take! But we don't have to spend money to get sunlight. Not only animals need sunlight, but also plants need sunlight. Why can coal produce such a huge amount of energy? It is originally a plant, buried in the ground, the role of high pressure and high temperature for a long time, only gradually formed. It absorbed before the solar energy is preserved, plus a long period of high pressure and high temperature, so it issued a huge energy and heat to. The fact that the sun can be stored in coal and used by us is a wonder to us of God's power. We do not believe that nature is natural, that it moves naturally. When we see the things that are made, we believe in the wonderful Creator.
Normally we say that the better the thing, the more valuable it is. But have we ever thought that the more we need something, the less it costs? Sunlight is a good thing that we need, and no one has money to buy it. If we don't eat for a few days, we are hungry, but we can still survive. If we don't drink a mouthful of water for a few days and don't eat anything with water, I'm afraid we won't be able to live. But the water is not money to buy (after processing to buy with money), we can have water in any place to take. If there is no water on earth, humans and animals can not survive, and plants can not grow. Who created water for us? And is it natural? Do not believe that there is a creator, you can not help but hold out a "natural and there", because they can not answer, only to say "natural and there".
Let's talk about air. What is more important than air? We can't die even if we don't eat or drink water for a day, but can we not breathe air for half an hour? Air is more important than water and sunlight, but it is easier to get than sunlight and water. At night or on a cloudy day, we can't get sunlight. If we live in a place that is not near a water source, it is not easy to find water. But no matter where we go, the air always follows us (unless we fly a thousand kilometers away from the sky). If it costs us a penny to breathe, then our monthly salary is not enough to buy air, let alone pay for other expenses. It is amazing how God provides us with the air that we need most and cannot leave for a moment, so that we can never get enough of it. And is this natural? Have we ever thought that the things we need most do not cost us anything? The salvation of Jesus Christ is more important than all of these things, and it costs us nothing to receive it for free, but only if we believe. We will have to discuss this issue later.
Let us briefly summarize: "If there were a pile of coal as large as the sun, and it were consumed according to the value of the consumption of the sun's radiation, it would burn for only three thousand years, and then it would all be reduced to ashes." "The process of synthesizing helium from protons in the sun can continue for more than 100 billion years." "The Earth absorbs from the Sun in one day, the consumption of one part in two billion, which is equal to the energy released by the explosion of 100,000 hydrogen bombs, ...... is also equivalent to 200 times the total energy consumed by humans today in one year. Fortunately, it is precisely this amount of radiant energy, coupled with the shape, size and movement of the Earth itself, as well as its location in space, that allows life to exist and provides the most basic conditions for the emergence of humans." "But the reality of the Earth's surface is unique, it gets enough energy from the Sun, and make some molecules constantly decomposition, and the energy provided is not too large, so that most of the compounds can be temporarily preserved, while the Earth's water, in the case of the Earth's energy, the vast majority can exist in liquid form. From this, life emerged on the planet we live on, a huge organic community emerged, and humans emerged." "The temperature reached by the Earth happens to reflect one of the most bizarre balances of nature." The above passages show us that the Earth is the most suitable for our human existence. "Just right" and "just right" are common expressions. We know that nature's "just right" is a manifestation of the Creator's miraculous power, the wonder of creation. Whether it is the macrocosm (celestial bodies) or the microcosm (atoms, etc.), we can see that it is the work of God. If there were no God, then there would be no such wonderful coincidences!

II. "Nature's Wonderful Fits"
The Earth has the right conditions for human and living creatures to survive. The living creatures on the earth depend on the sun to supply light and heat. According to Huo Herschel: "If the sun suddenly goes out, within 3 days there will not be a living creature on the ground can survive. Within 48 hours, the moisture in the atmosphere will fall as rain and snow, and frost will cover the earth. The ground temperature will also drop to -200-300 ℃ between. If the Earth is too large, oxygen and water increase, the entire ground may be flooded with water; if the Earth is too small, the lighter gases in the atmosphere will escape into space, leaving only the heavier gases such as carbon dioxide. According to Walluce, if the size of the Earth increases or decreases by one tenth, life on Earth will not be possible. It takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds for the Earth to travel around the Sun, and 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.8 seconds for the Moon to travel around the Earth. The entire solar system rotates around a point in the galaxy at 19.75 kilometers per second, and the galaxy rotates toward a point in the universe at 250 kilometers per second. Who created and dominates this great celestial body? The Earth is 384,000 kilometers from the Moon. According to A. C. Morrison, former president of the New York Academy of Sciences, if the Earth were only 80,000 kilometers from the Moon, the tides would flood the entire flatlands of the world twice a day! The Earth is surrounded by five different atmospheric circles, which can resist the harmful cosmic rays radiated from space, and make space to fly a large number of meteors before they hit the ground and burn up. The atmosphere contains about 50 million tons of water vapor. This vapor absorbs the heat of the sun during the day and condenses into dew at night slowly releasing heat. If not, no matter how hot it is during the day, the ground temperature may drop to between -30-40°C at night, making it unsuitable for human life. The air contains a small amount of carbon dioxide gas, which is the waste produced by animal respiration, but this is the raw material necessary for photosynthesis of plants, so that the air is not too much carbon dioxide accumulation and harmful to human health. This is the Carboncycle, so that the proportion of carbon dioxide remains unchanged and in balance forever. Similarly, nitrogen nitrate in the soil is absorbed by plants and becomes the protein component of plants, and the protein of plants is digested by animals to become the protein of animals. When the animals die and are decomposed by bacteria, the nitrogen is then compounded into nitrate as a raw material for plants, so that nitrogen can be circulated in nature and the source is not exhausted. Otherwise, the survival of living things will be threatened soon. In addition, many chemical elements in nature are toxic, such as chlorine, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, but in nature they exist in combination with other elements and become not only harmless but also beneficial substances. For example, if chlorine were free to circulate in nature, all living things on earth would be poisoned, but it has to be synthesized with sodium to become useful salt. Many plants and animals live in water, and if water follows the law of cold shrinkage and heat expansion, then when water freezes into ice, all creatures in the water cannot survive; but when water freezes at -4°C, it not only stops shrinking, but expands, and its specific gravity is reduced, and it floats on the surface, so that creatures in the water can survive.
All this wonder is only a very small part of the universe. No wonder Einstein, a first-class scientist, was surprised and surprised by the existence of all things in the universe in their thinking, and they thought that the universe was inexhaustible. Newton said: "Where there is no matter, what exists? Is the eye of an animal designed according to the principle of optics? We cannot infer its origin, but all these bring us to the master of all." Another example is the famous English astronomer, Sir Hirschl, who said, "The movement of the heavenly bodies makes it impossible to deny that there is an Almighty and Supreme Lord at the center of the universe."

III. "The Wonder of the Human Body
Some people say that a person is a machine. Every human being is a wonderful machine, but a machine is no match for a human being. As long as we eat our food, we don't have to worry about it, our organs inside will work for us and handle it perfectly. If we were to talk about it, there would be a lot to talk about, because every single thing in us (cells, tissues and organs) is a wonderful work of God. If we are missing one of them, we are in trouble! If we don't have a heart, lungs, or stomach ......, none of them should be missing. If someone doesn't have lungs, it would be very troublesome to put in artificial lungs. But God prepares everything for us without us having to add to it. We have only given a few examples to illustrate God's work. Our respiratory tracts - the nose, throat, trachea, bronchi, etc. - are covered with a mucous membrane on their inner surface, under which are abundant lymphatic vessels, microvessels and mucus glands that add moisture and warmth to the dry, cold air, and adhere, swallow and dissolve the smoke and microorganisms in the air, blocking them from entering the the lungs. Who made these things? Who thinks ahead for us?
After the bronchi enter the lungs, they branch out and get smaller and smaller, eventually dividing into tiny capillary bronchi, which enter the 730 million lung cells. If we spread the surface area of all the lung cells, it is about 130 square meters, on which there are countless capillaries closely intertwined. Who designed it? The walls of the lung cells and capillaries are very thin, which creates very good conditions for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Such a delicate structure speaks volumes about the wonders of the Creator.
Our heart is a wonderful organ. We know that the heart of an adult is the size of one's fist and weighs about one and a half pounds. The heart is divided into four parts: the left atrium, the left ventricle, the right atrium, and the right ventricle. Between the left atrium and the left ventricle, and between the right atrium and the right ventricle, there are living valves. The valves act like valves in a machine, ensuring that blood flows in a single direction and does not reflux. Isn't that wonderful? Blood can only flow from the atria to the ventricles and cannot flow backwards. If the valves are faulty, causing them to close tightly or open incompletely, blood will flow backwards or have difficulty passing through, which can lead to heart disease in severe cases. The normal human heart valve automatically closes after the blood flows from the atrium to the ventricle. He designed it, He created it, so that we have a perfect body that can move freely. Also, our heart is like a pump, and every minute it has to discharge all the blood in the body, about ten pounds, more than 1,400 times a day and night, that is, about 14,000 pounds of blood from the heart every day and night. The strange thing is that the heart keeps beating and discharging blood day and night, so why is it not tired? It turns out that an adult beats about 75 times per minute. A cardiac cycle lasts 0.8 seconds, in which the atrial contraction time is short and the diastole time is long, so it does not need to rest, it is always working, and does not get tired. It diastolic time is longer than the contraction time is equal to rest. Who told it to regulate itself in this way? If it rests for two hours due to fatigue, then we can not live. Is this "natural" again?

Our liver is also a very important organ. One of its important secretory functions is the secretion of bile. It produces 0.5 to 1 liter of bile per day, which is stored in the gallbladder. Bile is an indispensable substance for the digestion of fats. The various nutrients and harmful substances absorbed from the intestine must be processed by the liver before entering the blood circulation throughout the body. Fat digestion and absorption, decomposition and transformation, utilization and storage also depend on the role of the liver; sugar also depends on the liver cells to synthesize it into liver glycogen, which is stored in the liver cells. When the body needs it, the liver cells can break down liver glycogen into glucose for the body to use. It also stores vitamins A, B, C, D, and K. Many vitamins are metabolized and transformed in the liver. In addition, it has the function of discharging toxins and other poisons drawn from the intestines and the toxicity of metabolic wastes, turning toxic substances into harmless ones and expelling them from the body. The liver is very much like an "integrated chemical plant" in our body, and it is a vital internal organ for our body. Animal studies have shown that animals die within a day or two after having their livers removed. Who prepares our precious organs for us? Do we design them ourselves? Or does it come "naturally"? How can such a structure exist without the highest life?
Have we ever thought about the wonderful structure of our eyes? They can see, they can distinguish colors, but they have to use light to see. If we close our eyes, we can't even see our own conjunctiva (lining the inside of our eyelids, or what we call the inner eyelids). If there is not enough light, our pupils are dilated; if the light is too strong, our pupils are reduced, and the pupils regulate the intensity of our vision. I know a brother in the Lord who has a false eye in his left eye. If he didn't tell me, I wouldn't have been able to tell. It turns just like a real eye, but I can't see anything. Only the eyes of the true God are wonderfully made for us to use for a lifetime.
I would also like to briefly talk about our brain; the brain is divided into the brain stem, the cerebellum, the mesencephalon and the brain. I am not going to analyze the structure of the brain in detail now. We know that a person can think and remember, and this is the function of the brain. On the surface, our brain looks like bean curd, but in fact its structure is very complex. The number of neurons in the cerebral cortex alone is 14 billion, and there are many different kinds and complex arrangements, forming complex synapses. ...... can perform very complex functions. Today's world has become a world of technology, all because of the human brain in thinking about the results of invention and creation. Without the human brain, it is impossible to have a computer; without a computer, artificial satellites can not go to heaven, etc.. But if the human brain is cut, it will be like a pile of tofu halides, which no one wants. When the brain is wrapped in the brain shell, anything can be thought of, is it wonderful? Who created this? It is inconceivable that a human brain can exist without a creator. A robot can do everything: it can speak, it can talk, it can see and hear, and it can operate complex labor instead of people. From the United States came a prediction: By 1990, most organs in the human body, except the brain and spinal cord, can be replaced by implants and artificial parts. It seems that robots can think, but they are also computers. Only a man made by God can have a living mind. The fact that man can make robots also shows the wonder of the human brain. If you look at our brains, you will be amazed at the wonders of God's creation. If there were no God in the universe, it would be unimaginable.

IV. "The Wonder of Creatures"
The structure of the human body is certainly wonderful, but even the structure of living things is also extremely wonderful. "Bionics" is an emerging science, which was officially named in 1960. Because of the wonderful structure of living things, people imitate living things, imitate the methods of biological prototypes, engaged in the manufacture of new, modify the old machine or engineering, equipment. For example, bees have a polarized vision that can detect various sections of the air with different brightness; they go out to explore honey and return to the nest without ever losing their way. According to this navigation skills, someone made a "polarized astronomical compass", so that seamen or pilots, no matter how the weather changes, can pass as usual. Another example is the rattlesnake's eyes and nostrils between a "cheek socket", only 10-15 microns thick, is its "heaters", can be distinguished at a distance of 0.001 ℃ temperature change. From the reptiles, animals issued by a trace of body heat, it crawls to hunt. People simulate the rattlesnake "detector" to create successful air-to-air rattlesnake missiles, but still far less than the rattlesnake. As for the squid, it has a "pocket" like body cavity, often stored in seawater. When it wants to push forward, the body cavity of seawater to the back of the spray. People simulate the movement of the squid and designed a number of "water jet tugboat". People simulate the sensitivity of the frog's eyes and create a "frog-eye electronic model", which can be used to track the target of aircraft and missile activity after improvement. It is said that one of the characteristics of dolphins is the swimming speed, after research, the mystery is in its skin. Its skin is divided into three layers, the first layer is a smooth and soft epidermis; the second layer is the dermis, which is composed of many tubular substances, containing fluid inside. This fluid can flow in accordance with the water pressure on the surface of the skin. The third layer is a very thick layer of fat, rich in elasticity. People imitate dolphin skin to make "artificial dolphin skin". This artificial dolphin skin over a small boat and other devices to test, so that the resistance was reduced by half.
Dolphins are smarter than other animals, but only second to humans, and monkeys in third place, so dolphins are also called sea people. It can dive into water more than 300 meters deep. Trained dolphins can deliver tools to divers who work underwater. It has a vocal organ, the sound it makes will be reflected back when it encounters a school of fish, and can determine what it is and how far away it is. A person tried to put real fish, fake fish, blindfolded it, it chased the real fish. Man-made "echo detector" is far less than the performance of the dolphin's vocal organs.
Fast electronic computer, some people call it "electronic brain", later biologists on the in-depth understanding of the neural network, has helped to improve the electronic computer.
Human thinking activities, the ability to analyze and synthesize things in a sophisticated manner is unmatched by any machine. But man has to follow the example of living things, imitating them to make and modify machines. From the wonders of life, we can see a very wonderful creator. Who told creatures to be so wonderful? Do they naturally have this ability for us humans to imitate? Without God, how can we explain it?
Chapter 4: The Wonder of Life

What is "life"? Different people say different things. Some people say that life is a protein body, that is, a colloidal material system (protoplasm) with protein and nucleic acid as the main components, but in fact life and material are two different things. The human body is a substance, the human body parts, people can also be manufactured, that is, there is no life. We can only say that life is in matter (human body, animal body, plant body).
The Bible tells us, "But be thou of a firm mind that thou eat not blood: for blood is life: and thou shalt not eat blood (lit., life) with flesh." (Deut. 12:23) Blood is life. This refers to animal life. As for plants having life, that is another matter. Without blood, there is no life, but we cannot say the opposite, that life is blood. If we say so, we only need blood. You know that a person who has just died still has blood (whether his blood is spoiled or clotted or not) but he has no life, his life has gone to another place. "Blood is life" means: if there is blood, there is life, if there is no blood, there is no life. The blood represents life. When we break bread and drink the juice of the grape, the juice of the grape represents the blood of the Lord. Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." (Jn 6 : 53) The life spoken of here, of course, does not refer to our physical life, the life spoken of here refers to eternal life (God's life) "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life ......." (John 6:54) It is not enough to eat the flesh of the Son of Man, but to drink the blood of the Son of Man in order to have life. Therefore, the Bible uses the blood to represent life. This is true whether it is physical life or spiritual life, but now I am not discussing spiritual life, but only the wonders of physical life.
What is life? Some say, "Life is a breath. A man breathes, he is a living being, he is alive." No, life is not a breath. A person breathes, he has life, but what is this breath? Exhaled from his mouth is exhaust, no one wants; he inhaled is air, everywhere. Exhaled air is not life, and inhaled air is not life, how can we say that life is a breath? We can only say: a person can breathe, proving that he has life; he stopped breathing, proving that he is dead, his life has run away. Therefore, we cannot say that life is a breath, but only the breath of God is life: "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul called Adam." (Gen. 2:7) (Gen. 2:7) And when Jesus had said this, he breathed on them, and said, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost." (Jn 20:22) The breath of Jesus is the life, the Spirit. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." (Jn 14:6) Our Trinity is life, and all our lives are made by God. Therefore, we say, "Life is marvelous, neither to be touched, nor seen, nor smelled, nor limited by time and space. Is it round or square? Is it red or green? Does it weigh half a pound or one pound? We cannot measure it in this way. Where is it? In our hearts or in our minds? Neither. We only know that if we have it, we live, and if we don't, we die. It is in us, but it does not occupy any place. A person with life is so heavy, without life is also so heavy, it seems that the dead are heavier! The living and the dead, everything is the same, only the life is missing. He is dead, but he still has blood, protein, and so on. Of course, the dead person, these are to change, become decayed. But at the moment of his death, his body did not change, it did not decrease, only the life ran away. Man can only "use what God created" to synthesize a biologically active protein, crystalline insulin, but he can never "create" life. Remember that "creation" is the creation of life from nothing, which is the work of God. Man can synthesize from what God has created. Without God's creation, we cannot create anything. This is an indisputable fact. People often argue about whether the chicken or the egg came first. We say: there is no need to argue. The Bible has long said, "And God said, 'Let the earth bring forth living creatures, each according to its kind; beasts, insects, and wild animals, each according to its kind.' And so it came to pass" (Gen. 1:24). This means that the chicken came first and then the egg. Because God made the "livestock ...... first." Man can make a robot, but he cannot make a living robot. Even though a robot can hear and talk and seem to think, it is not alive and it has no feelings with us. No one wants to marry a robot and become a lifelong partner, because it is not alive.

A thing that cannot be seen, touched, or smelled (life) is a most precious thing. A person's body is marvelous, as we have already said. An eye is very precious, but if it is gouged out, no one will want it; a brain is also a treasure, but if someone else's brain is broken open and given to us, not only will we not want it, we will even feel disgusted. If your wife dies, though you cry bitterly, you do not want to keep her body for a few more days. A body without life is useless, even if it is good. It is clear that life is extremely precious. Even if a man has a house full of jewels, if he does not have life, he cannot enjoy it. Jesus said, "If a man gains the whole world and loses his life, what good does it do? What else can a man give in exchange for his life?" (Mt 16:26) (Mt. 16:26) Of course, Jesus speaks here of the precious soul within man. He who believes has eternal life, but he who does not believe does not have eternal life. If a man gains the whole world and loses his physical life, it is certainly not beneficial, but if he loses his soul and perishes forever, it is unthinkable. Some say that man does not have a soul because he cannot see it. But who has seen life? Although the eyes can not see, but there is. This life, which cannot be seen, touched, smelled, or occupied by space, is extremely precious, and it is also the most amazing. This only shows that God is life, that God created life, that God gives life, and that God takes back the truth of life. The fact that there is life proves that there is a God who made life. Just as there is matter, it proves that there is a Creator. Let us not forget one scientific law: "Something cannot come from nothing; life cannot come from nothing." This is an unbreakable truth. Neither matter nor life can be natural. Only God is natural, because He is "God". If we recognize matter as God, then we can say that matter is natural. But no one, except heterodox worshipers, acknowledges that matter or life is God. There is only one God, but matter is many, and life is innumerable. God is the supreme being, and He alone is the original from the beginning (1 John 1:1). If we are willing to put aside our preconceptions and look at all things, at life and its wonders, we cannot help but believe that there is a God.

Chapter 5 Other Parallel Witnesses
"The heavens tell of the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims His means." (Psalm 19:1) In fact, there is nothing in heaven, on earth, in the sea, or under the earth that does not speak of God. Their existence, their wonders, do not only show that there is a God, but they also show the "glory of God"! If we were to give examples, the list would be endless. A bird, a fish, an ant, they all testify to the existence of God. Now let's talk about some "circumstantial evidence".
I. The Wise Man
Wise men and great men are valued by all. We should not worship great men. Wise men and great men are nothing before God (1 Cor. 1:26-31). But let us not think that those who believe in Jesus are ignorant women and children. God does not only convince the ignorant, but He can also convince the learned. This has been the case from ancient times to the present. Therefore, the wise believe in God, and they can also be the circumstantial evidence that there is a God. If we take a serious look, we can see that the more knowledgeable people are, the more they believe in God. Now we can cite some of the world's great men and women from history who were Christians.
1. Great Scientists in general
The term scientist is very broad: mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, and medicine are all included. Now let's talk about general scientists in general.
Of the 300 great scientists of the last 300 years, 81% believed in God, and in 1926 only one of the 74 French scientists (all of them members of scientific societies) did not agree with Christianity, but he also did not deny the existence of God. Isaac Newton, a world-renowned scientist who founded calculus, laid the foundation of physics represented by Newtonian mechanics on the basis of his predecessors, and served as president of the Royal Society of London for 25 years. He once said, "What exists where there is no matter? What is the role of the planets? Why is the world in order? Is the eye of an animal designed according to the principle of optics? We cannot inquire into its origin, but all these bring us before the Master of all." Newton was a Christian (see page 10 of Essential Reading for Everyone). The man who invented voltage was called Volt Volt, and later people used his name as the unit of voltage; he was a Christian. The man who developed the unit for calculating electric current was called Ampere, and his name became the unit for calculating electric current; he was a Christian. The one who developed the unit of resistance was Ohm Ohm, he was a Christian. The unit of electricity was developed by Coulomb, who was a Christian. We know Thomas A. Edison, who invented the mimeograph, the wax paper, the phonograph, the electric lamp, the power supply, the motion picture, etc., and improved the telegraph and the telephone. He was born in Milan, Ohio, USA (1847-1931). He was a Christian. He said, "If I were to deny the existence of God, I would be blaspheming my own knowledge." Marconi Marconi, who invented the radio, and Branly, who were both Christians. Morse (1792-1872), the inventor of the telegraph, was born in the United States to a family of ministers, and on May 24, 1844, sitting in the Federal Supreme Court Chamber of the Washington Capitol, Morse sent the first long-distance telegram in history to Baltimore, 40 miles away, with shaking hands: "God has done What a miracle!" Albert Einstein (1870-1955), the great scientist who discovered the theory of relativity, was a Jew of German origin. He believed that it was impossible for man to know everything in the universe thoroughly. He was amazed and amazed by the existence of all things in the universe! He believed that the universe was inscrutable. Later he also trusted in the true God. Colonel Irwin, who landed on the moon in 1972 aboard the Sun King XV, resigned from his work of space conquest and became a preacher instead. In his sermon in Hong Kong, he said that after his spacecraft landed, he went down the ladder and stepped on the ground and had a feeling in his heart that God was real and God was with him.
In addition to the great scientists mentioned above, there are many other great men worth mentioning: Pasteur, a world-renowned biologist who invented the vaccination; Charles Lyell, a famous psychologist; Rowlard Angell, a famous psychologist; Michael Pupin, a famous mathematician. Pupin was a famous mathematician; Arthur A. Noyes was a famous chemist; Goulter was a botanist; Henry Fairfield Osborn was a paleontologist; and Joseph Priestley was the discoverer of oxygen. They are all Christians. In addition, there are many scholars, inventors, and theorists who are devout believers in God.

2. Astronomers
They are also scientists. Astronomers believe in God the most, and the more they study the world of astronomy, the more they believe in God. Nicolas Copernicus, the astronomer of recent centuries, was attacked and persecuted by the Catholic Church, but who knew that he also said, "The Bible is of spiritual value. He eventually came to faith in Christ, but people do not talk about his final conversion. Lick, the director of the Observatory, Kircher, the astronomer, C. G. Abbott and Campbeel were all astronomers who believed in God. 3.
3. Medical doctors believe in gods too
Those who study medicine are most likely to recognize the power and wisdom of the Creator through the mystery of human structure and the wonders of human physiology. Therefore, Christians are not a few among those who are particularly accomplished in the study of medicine. Mayo was a famous doctor who believed in God. Laon, who invented the medical stethoscope, was a Christian. Who does not have this stethoscope today? But how many people know that he is a Christian?

4. Charles Robert Darwin, the evolutionist
He was the originator of the theory of evolution and natural evolution. He was born in Shrewbury, England, on February 12, 1809, and spent his life studying the natural world. On December 17, 1831, with a Bible in his hand, he embarked on the HMS H.M. Beagle, a five-year trip around the world, and began his journey toward "evolution". When he went to Tierra del Fuego in South America in 1833, he saw that the islanders killed babies for sacrifice and worshiped idols, and were barbaric and uncultured. These people need 2000 years of evolution before they become like the people of a civilized country." In 1869 (i.e., 36 years later) he went back to the island and found that the islanders were very different from before, they wore clothes, read the Bible, talked about manners and so on. So he wondered at the work of God. For it was beyond his expectation. Later, he sent 250 pounds to the London Missionary Society, writing in his letter, "I would be honored to be an honorary member of your Society! When I now see the work of the clergy, I see that I was mistaken." He also gave a sum of money to the natives for the purchase of Bibles.
He lived to be 73 years old. He finally admitted that "evolution" was only a "fantasy" of his youth! When he was dying, he invited a priest to come and said to him, "I am willing to withdraw my doctrine." The priest said, "This is impossible, for there are those who believe, from elementary school students to university students, that man was changed from an ape" (although he did not say so, but people misunderstood him). Therefore, he said, "Then I must ask God to forgive my sins and accept my soul!" So the priest prayed for him. He died peacefully after accepting the Lord Jesus as his Savior. He was buried by the British government in Westminister Cathedral, Westminster, on April 19, 1882. Unfortunately, many people do not know that Darwin came to faith in Jesus and still use his doctrine to oppose God, the Bible and Christianity!
The Origin of Spesies, Darwin's famous book, was published in November 1859. At the end of the book, there are the following words: "I believe that life and its powers are due to the greatness of the idea of the Creator producing one or more forms by breath." In Darwin's autobiography (written in 1876) there are the following lines: "I believe that original life began with a creative God", "The universe cannot exist without a supreme cause", "I have never in my life been atheistic and opposed to God", "I have never in my life been an atheist or an atheist. I have never been atheistic or opposed to the existence of God in my life."
A priest visited the University of Cambridge in England, and a professor named Abramson said to him: "Darwin's doctrine has no power now, not even a place! Except for his children and a few university students, most people don't believe in his teachings anymore!" So much for the old home of evolution, yet we still have people who think it is a powerful evidence against God! Such a man, please study his end!
Dr. Burroughs, the great observer whom Darwin admired, was a man who believed in God. He once said, "I think atheism is just a fashionable thing, an epidemic of our time." Dr. Charles D. Walcott, a life evolutionist, was a Christian. Osborn Osborn was very knowledgeable about evolution, but he believed in a God. Lamarck, who pioneered organic evolution, was also a Christian.
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) was one of the great evolutionists in England. He called himself "I am Darwin's fighting dog" and Darwin regarded him as his "chief representative". But he later confessed, "Without a mind presiding in the underworld, we have absolutely no way of understanding the wonders of matter."
Without God, the achievements of science still cannot satisfy the mind. The more people study astronomy and literature, the more they believe that the universe is created and maintained by a God; the more people study medicine, the more they believe that the structure of the human body is designed and created by an all-wise and all-powerful God; since so many wise people believe in God, how can we say that those who believe in God are only some old people and ignorant women and children?
In addition, there have been many kings and presidents throughout the ages who were Christians. Shortly after Christ's ascension, the Roman Empire persecuted Christianity greatly. After 10 Roman kings persecuted Christianity for over 200 years (200-300 AD), the eleventh king turned against it. During these 2000 years, the leaders of many nations believed in Christ. Of course, the fact that they believed in Christ is not evidence of the existence of God, but we should consider them as "circumstantial" evidence.
5, the existence of ghosts
If there is evil, there must be good, and if there is God, there is also a ghost. Conversely, the existence of demons is proof of the existence of God. Some people may say, "How can people who believe in Jesus also believe in demons? Because the Bible says that there are demons, evil spirits, and ghosts. If there are no demons, why would Jesus cast out demons? But we don't believe in demons, we believe in God. We only believe in "ghosts" and we oppose the worship of demons, and we do not seek help from demons and gods. Is there a ghost in the world or not? When I was a child, I saw a demon-possessed man who was very powerful, but when the demon left his body, he was as weak as water. Once upon a time there was a believing doctor who was looking for a place to live in Macau. When he saw a building with a monthly rent of $50, he thought it was very cheap and wanted to rent it. But someone said to him, "Don't rent it! Because this is a haunted house, someone was once carried by a ghost from the third floor to the first floor. No one dares to rent that house after that." The doctor said, "I am a believer, I am not afraid." So he slept on the third floor to see if the demon would come and lift him up, and he slept until dawn, safe and sound. Later, when his family moved in, people said, "Jesus can really heal demons." I will not mention other examples. We should not blindly deny the existence of ghosts just because we have never seen one. The fact that there are ghosts proves that there is a God.
When we see all things, we naturally believe in the Creator. When we see the wonder of all things, we really cannot deny the existence of a wonderful creator. Who sees a watch and thinks that it came into existence naturally? If a watch does not exist naturally, how can we think that the complex and wonderful universe exists naturally? "...... Though the eye cannot see, yet by the things that are made it is known, that no one may put it to the test." (Romans 1:20) There is no way to excuse the absence of God when one sees the things that are made, but why is it that even some who think they are wise cannot understand such a simple truth? It is because Satan has blinded the minds of men: "These unbelievers have been blinded by the gods of this world, that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ should not shine upon them. Christ is the image of God." (2 Cor. 4:4) When we are willing to humble ourselves and accept salvation, the eyes of our hearts will be brightened. If we harden our hearts, God will leave us alone. After Paul mentions "that no one may be blamed", he goes on to mention three times that God "leaves them alone" (Rom. 1:24, 26, 28). If you think that the above does not convince you, then God is "at your disposal". May God open the eyes of your heart so that you may know Him and believe Him!
April 22, 1979
Dear friends, are you willing to make up your mind to believe in Jesus? Here are some prayer prompts for you.
"Dear Father God, I confess from my heart that You are the only true God. You sent Jesus Christ into the world to work salvation for sinners. I confess that I am a sinner and need Your salvation. I firmly trust in Jesus' crucifixion, death and resurrection. Now I ask God to give me the resurrected life of Jesus, so that I may not perish, but have eternal life. I want to follow and obey the Trinity all my life!
In the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!
Author: Lin XianGao
Address: Dezheng North Road, Guangzhou City
No. 15, Ronggui Li, Yahotang (North)
Postal Code:510055
Tel: 020-83821503
Date:Newly printed in November 2010
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